ACDC’s proposal to develop Parcel 12 in Chinatown was featured in the Boston Globe recently! The proposal includes the development of 171 all-income restricted rental and homeownership units, a community space for a permanent public library in Chinatown, and was developed in partnership with Tufts Shared Services, Corcoran Jennison Companies and Millennium Boston.
“When the opportunity arose to buy Parcel 12 – as the lot is known – it made sense to build such housing there, said Angie Liou, executive director of the Asian CDC, which builds affordable housing in Chinatown. It and other community groups have long considered the lot a potential site for housing in a part of town that is being squeezed by nearby development.”
Free Placemaking Workshop with Boston Society of Architects
ACDC’s placemaking efforts have really been much more about “placekeeping”- maintaining the identity and boundaries of Chinatown. Executive Director Angie Liou will share her insights and discuss ACDC’s approach, particularly how youth and residents lead the efforts.
January 29, 2018 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
BSA Office at 290 Congress Street, Suite 200
Lobby Day with APIs CAN on Data Disaggregation Bill
We organized with API’s CAN and fellow community organizations, residents and community members to advocate for disaggregating AAPI data (bill H. 3361). We talked to legislators about why this bill is important and accompanied our residents and other constituents as they talked to show numbers.
Asian Americans are an extremely diverse group whose population stems from more than 20 different countries of origin. As a result, Asian Americans have very different backgrounds in terms of economic status, language, culture, history, and immigrant experience. Without data available by Asian subgroup, the different experiences and needs of Asian Americans are lost in a single, aggregated category. This means that policymakers, healthcare workers, educators, entrepreneurs, and social service providers lack important information needed to better serve their communities. We urge state agencies that collect racial data to further detail these categories by ethnicity/subgroup.
There will be a hearing for the data disaggregation bill on TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1 PM at the GARDNER AUDITORIUM in the MA STATE HOUSE.
ACDC Expanding Youth Programs to Malden!
We are excited to announce that ACDC will be expanding youth programs to Malden!
Meet Yuqi, our new Youth Programs Associate who will be running the Malden youth program and is currently working with two Malden high school students, Xiaolin and Qingyi, to launch the program this spring.
Yuqi has worked at the national and local level on issues such as food insecurity, workers’ rights, and tax reform with a racial and economic justice lens. Yuqi brings extensive experience in policy analysis, program evaluation, and training and facilitation. She hails from Chicago, and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Chinese, and Public Health from Washington University in St. Louis.
Last week, James and Yining, two A-VOYCE alumni from Malden, led a tour of Malden including Malden Center, Malden High School and new developments. On the tour, staff learned that Malden High is the state’s most racially diverse high school. We look forward to expanding our services in Malden, where we have had first-time homebuyer and financial education and counseling programs since 2016.
At ACDC’s Malden office, hosted by our partner, Eastern Bank
Save the Date – Heart of the Community Dim Sum Breakfast
Our annual Heart of the Community Dim Sum Breakfast will be held on Friday, April 27th at 7:30AM.
Mark your calendars and join ACDC, along with our partners, supporters to celebrate the community and the outstanding leaders who have shown an inspiring dedication to serving those in need. |
We have some new blog posts up, including one introducing our newest contributor, Lee-Daniel, an A-VOYCE youth whose interests include photography and photojournalism!
Thank you to our 2017 supporters!
Thank you for investing in the community! Together, we completed achievements such as the construction on 51, all-affordable condos in Chinatown; served over 350 households with first-time homebuyer and financial counseling and education; and supported over 60 youth in developing and strengthening their leadership and community advocacy skills. We look forward to working with you in 2018 to deliver more quality programs and services and continue building affordable homes, empowering families and strengthening communities!
Donors listed have made contributions from January 2017 through December 31, 2017.
Asian American Lawyers Association of MA
Bank of America – Merrill Lynch
Blue Hills Bank Foundation
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center c/o ArtPlace America
The Boston Foundation – Open Door Fund
Bunker Hill Community College
Castle Square Tenants Organization
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England
Chinese Progressive Association
Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Enterprise Community Partners
Gee How Oak Tin Association of New England
The Hamilton Company Foundation
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
The Josiah Quincy Upper School
Koya Leadership Partners c/o Alena Guerra
The Law Office Of Joel A. Stein
Massachusetts Housing Partnership
Massachusetts Investment Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC)
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
New Boston Fund / The Tower at One Greenway
Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP
People’s United Community Foundation
Security Service Specialists
South Cove Community Health Center
Tai Tung Pharmacy / Realty
TD Bank Charitable Foundation
Tisch Counsel for Philanthropic Leadership
The United Way of Mass Bay & Merrimack Valley
Wells Fargo Housing Foundation
Jim Calvin & Vikaneda Phothibout
Amy Cheung & Pradeep Mangalath
Francis E. Chin & Wai J. Chow-Chin
Eugene Ho & Natalie Truong
Susan Luo & Cyrus Moyazeni
Evelyn Murphy & Jacque Friedman
Abby Nguyen-Burke & Timothy Burke
Karla Portocarrero & Andrew Fuller